Set your compass to 225°

On a compass rose, 225° is the southwest heading. We developed the Southwest Airlines® Destination 225° Program to train and lead aspiring pilots, like you, to Southwest.

Here are just a few of the many ways Destination 225° guides the way: 

  • Inspiring Mentorships. Learn, grow, and build relationships with some of the best Pilots in the business.
  • Diverse Pathways. Become an airline pilot no matter your flight experience, current career, or education.
  • Big Dreams. Let your dreams take flight and discover what it's like to fly a 737. 
From the office to the skies | Cadet Bailey G.

Clear for takeoff: Destination 225° applications open soon!

Cadet Pathway
April 4 - 6, 2025
Opens at 9:00 a.m. CT
University Pathway
April 7 - 11, 2025
Opens at 9:00 a.m. CT

Putting the "Family" in Southwest Family.

​​​​​​​As a cadet in Destination 225°, Pashi S. made a big career change inspired by his sister, Southwest First Officer Vicky K. He’s now chasing his aviation dreams and taking the concept of family to new heights.

Find your Destination 225° Pathway

Destination 225° trains and empowers future pilots on how to fly The Southwest Way. If you've ever dreamed of a career at 35,000 feet, set your course for 225° through one of our four pathways: Cadet, University, Military, or Employee.
Employee Pathway
Are you a current Southwest Employee that dreams of an office in the sky? Visit the Destination 225° page on SWALife to learn more.

Upcoming Information Sessions

Prepare to fly with Destination 225°, the fastest path to the right seat of a Southwest 737! Our Destination 225° Team is hosting virtual information sessions to give you a sneak peek into what's new in the University and Cadet pathways and some best practices for acing your interview.

Info session graphic
March 12, 2025
11:00 a.m. CDT

Acing your Interview
Virtual Information Session

Fly by the Destination 225° Team!

The Destination 225° Team plans to attend the following upcoming events*:

WAI - Women in Aviation International

March 27 - 29, 2025

SnF - SUN 'n FUN Aerospace Expo

April 1 - 6, 2025

TPNx - The Pilot

April 16 - 17, 2025
*The listed events are subject to change and may vary based on availability.
​​​​​​​Want the latest information on Destination 225°? Join our newsletter.

Training partners

We proudly partner with the following training organizations to instruct future airline pilots safely and effectively.

University partners

We’re excited to partner with the following universities’ aviation programs to see your career soar.

Program partners

We're thrilled about our partnerships with the following organizations who commit to going above and beyond to employ Destination 225° participants.